A little of the story painfully slowly crafted.
I am still, even after long months, at the very beginning of this, what is intended to be, a short novella. Here is the first installment for this blog space:
King Oswerth stood with his sword in his hand, wearing his gold helmet. His ranks were swelled with soldiers, many of them the sons of the great and wealthy Gedas of Eos. This was to be the first time I would witness a battle fought on Eos, and to say I was partial to Oswerth’s forces would be an understatement. This is because his enemy on the field that day was Ubert, the man that held me captive, and mistreated me (although not as badly as others I would learn).
In fact, I would later find out that it was only Ubert’s superstition, the belief that I somehow came from the gods, that saved me from being executed. If their gods live in a Heaven, then I can understand how he could come to that conclusion. You see, I am Jake Bard, an astronaut from Earth. King Ubert, an unpleasant man, was the first to find my ship when I crash landed into Eos’s one great sea. Of course, much of that sea is frozen, and I was lucky enough to come down into relatively warm liquid water. I was taken prisoner that day, but since escaped, only after learning there was somewhere to escape to, which was behind Osbert’s lines.
The two armies glared at each other, uneasily, across the field, which was more of an expanse of red and brown muddy dirt, interspersed with sparse vegetation. Some of the men shouted insults at one another. All were ready to follow the orders of their kings into battle.
King Oswerth stood with his sword in his hand, wearing his gold helmet. His ranks were swelled with soldiers, many of them the sons of the great and wealthy Gedas of Eos. This was to be the first time I would witness a battle fought on Eos, and to say I was partial to Oswerth’s forces would be an understatement. This is because his enemy on the field that day was Ubert, the man that held me captive, and mistreated me (although not as badly as others I would learn).
In fact, I would later find out that it was only Ubert’s superstition, the belief that I somehow came from the gods, that saved me from being executed. If their gods live in a Heaven, then I can understand how he could come to that conclusion. You see, I am Jake Bard, an astronaut from Earth. King Ubert, an unpleasant man, was the first to find my ship when I crash landed into Eos’s one great sea. Of course, much of that sea is frozen, and I was lucky enough to come down into relatively warm liquid water. I was taken prisoner that day, but since escaped, only after learning there was somewhere to escape to, which was behind Osbert’s lines.
The two armies glared at each other, uneasily, across the field, which was more of an expanse of red and brown muddy dirt, interspersed with sparse vegetation. Some of the men shouted insults at one another. All were ready to follow the orders of their kings into battle.