html, flash, and the tablets.

Most tablets, as far as I can tell, seem as if they are being designed not for use with Flash. Sometimes, there may be a special "app" that works to provide Flash, but generally the idea seems to be to get away from that, and perhaps use html audio and video. In fact, it looks as though some of the sites that might use Flash to present videos on a computer, are using an "app" to present it on a tablet.

So why do these same sites insist on using Flash for video on a computer screen? One would think Flash is a technology that is on the way out, yet there are some sites that rely on it, and do not even have separate apps for tablets and phones.

Flash uses too much resources, and often doesn't work well when used on a tablet, or sometimes even a computer. Html is lighter on resources, and works effortlessly (except when it doesn't load properly or a browser doesn't have the capability to play it).

Is it a commercial reason? Would it be harder to place ads with html in video? I don't know. I do know that Android is becoming a very popular operating system, not to mention Apple. I'm told Apple is very much opposed to using Flash on devices. So, the question remains, why isn't everyone using html?

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