Linux and the network manager
For some time, I had been having a problem where on about every third start up, my computer wouldn't find the internet connection. At first, I thought it must be something about Debian based systems. So, I tried Fedora. My old hardware didn't like Fedora, and I was getting usb voltage error 110. At least, I think that is what the error means. And it didn't solve the internet problem anyway.
So, then I tried a different computer that I had, which was running Xubuntu 14.04. The problem seemed to disappear. I now have my main computer set up with Ubuntu Gnome 14.04, and so far it seems to work.
Hmmm....What really is the difference in the network manager between Ubuntu 14.04 and pretty much anything else (including Debian 8, because I tried that too)? Anyway, Ubuntu 14.04 is good until 2019. By that time, I hope the network manager works better with my set up.
So, then I tried a different computer that I had, which was running Xubuntu 14.04. The problem seemed to disappear. I now have my main computer set up with Ubuntu Gnome 14.04, and so far it seems to work.
Hmmm....What really is the difference in the network manager between Ubuntu 14.04 and pretty much anything else (including Debian 8, because I tried that too)? Anyway, Ubuntu 14.04 is good until 2019. By that time, I hope the network manager works better with my set up.